Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This MoM Can't Live Without: Kitchen Shears

When the twins started eating solid food, kitchen shears saved my life. Do you know how time consuming it is to cut up food into little bites for two children -- especially when they are screaming bloody murder for their meal?

Enter my tool of choice: Scissors.

Pancakes are easy to trim into small bites for toddlers with kitchen shears!

Kitchen shears saved my life. They are way faster than cutting food with a fork and knife most of the time. It works on just about everything: Pancakes, meat, pizza, grilled cheese, veggies, etc. Just cut food into strips and then chop the strips to bits. Voila!!! Little bites.

Confession: I sometimes grab for my own food now too.

And we now have several pairs in my kitchen. And I put them in my diaper bag when we are eating out. I know, crazy. But it works. Trust me.

Try it. You'll love it. Your knives will be jealous.

To find other products which have saved my sanity
as a MoM (mom of multiples),

1 comment:

  1. I have 2 pairs. I don't know how people live without them! :)
